Being thankful

Thanksgiving is always a time to slow down and reflect on the many things we have to be thankful for (other than the long weekend!). This year, I have TONS to be thankful for, and thought it would be a good idea to make a list of the top 10 things - although it's going to be very hard to narrow it down.1. I am married to the most thoughtful, loving man a girl could ask for (not to mention super handsome, too)wedding-07442. I work at the coolest place and I am so lucky to be a part of the uber talented Media Profile team1502289_10152081324445804_597178790_o3. I am surrounded by the cutest little boys (and not in a creepy way!)IMG_20141004_180839wedding-0458IMG_20140813_1043544. My dog is the cutest and most lovable dog ever! And he loves to cuddle...20140919_1245165. I live in a cool neighbourhood with a very short bike ride to work!IMG_20140505_1759276. I now have not one, not two, but THREE awesome moms!wedding-05127. I have had the chance to explore the world and go on great trips with the people I loveIMG_2682photophoto(1)8. I am surrounded by talented people who can make pretty things (specifically in the cake department)wedding-1004Hunter cake9. I have really really cool friendswedding-055610. And last but not least, I am thankful for the Hobby Lobby, because it really is the best place on earth. DSCF4156


My thanksgiving weekend project


October's word of the month