100 Happy Days: Challenge Completed!
As of last week, I can say that I have officially completed the 100 Happy Days challenge! It took me a while to write this post because I wanted to take some time to process the end of this challenge and how I felt about it.On the website, it states that:
People successfully completing the challenge claimed to: - Start noticing what makes them happy every day;- Be in a better mood every day;- Start receiving more compliments from other people;- Realize how lucky they are to have the life they have;- Become more optimistic;- Fall in love during the challenge
While I can't claim to have started receiving more compliments from other people or falling in love during the challenge, I can say that I definitely took more time appreciating the little things that made me happy. No matter how bad of a day I was having, there always seemed to be something I was thankful for, and it documenting it was a nice way of reminding me of this fact.
The one thing I did notice was how my photographic creativity improved throughout the course of the challenge. I found that I was inspired every day by the small things around me, and I began to take pride in finding new ways to capture these little things to tell a larger story.
Here are the last photos from my final days of the challenge, along with some of my favourites from the past 100 days:
I hope you enjoyed this challenge as much as I enjoyed sharing it with you! It's funny how, looking back, all the pictures that made me the happiest are the ones with the people I love or the ones that remind me of the people I love. I can't wait to print all these photos off and and see what we can make with #100HappyDays.