100 Happy Days: Week 7

What a productive week! As you may have noticed, we had a lot of changes around here. I am so thrilled to have made the change from Polkadot Pirates to Sweet Green Studios and can't wait to see where this goes.

#100HappyDays update

I am really enjoying this photo challenge, and I highly recommend anyone who uses social media regularly to try it out. Yes, it comes with a photo bonus book at the end of the challenge, but I think the important part is stopping to realize what makes you happy every single day, even when you are having a bad day. Whether it's a yummy cup of tea when you're feeling sick or a moment to yourself to read your favourite blog (read: Sweet Green Studios) after a busy week, this challenge really makes you appreciate it!Here are the moments that brought me joy this week (days 42-48):IMG_20140512_193759 IMG_20140513_195509 IMG_20140514_221534 IMG_20140515_194848 IMG_20140516_181500 IMG_20140517_125643 IMG_20140518_153947Looking at this week's pictures, it's clear I have been indulging a little more than usual. I definitely need to get some healthier recipes up on this blog!Cheers to another happy week!


3 things I learned from taking an adult gymnastics class


Quick Oatmeal Banana Chocolate Chip Walnut Muffins